A strategic, interactive approach that helps students reach their full potential

How We Work

  • With the SB21c team, you'll discover education with the power of possibilities.

    During your discovery call, we will get to know you and your child’s needs, and how SB21c can best serve you.

    To start, simply fill out the contact form to schedule your free consultation.


  • During the initial free consultation, we'll go through an interview process that allows us to gain a holistic understanding of the student's learning profile, short and long-term goals, current skill sets, interests and dreams. From there, we'll create an action plan to make these goals a reality.

  • Clearly defined goals are the foundation of our strategic success plan. From the information provided, the SB21c team will create a personalized action plan with doable steps for our students to successfully meet their goals. Our coaching check-ins ensure that students are moving forward, making their goals a reality.

  • Matching each student with the right specialist is key for success. Thoughtful consideration is given to this process so that the SB21c specialist's areas of expertise aligns with the student's needs, talents, and interests.

Our Process Sets Students Up To Thrive In Today’s World.

At Skillbuilders21c, we develop customized programs for each student — beginning with discovery and resulting in a goal-oriented action plan.

Work with us to create your student’s roadmap to success.